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Our products

Survey Application


It is ensured that the results related to every subject that is desired to be measured, such as complaints, suggestions and requests received through the survey application, can be evaluated. You can create various surveys by using alternative question types within the survey application and you can get many reports related to these surveys with its flexible software infrastructure. In addition, you can reach the people who will be surveyed, either by e-mail or SMS.

  • Creating a survey with different question types

  • Receiving various reports on created surveys

  • Applying a survey by e-mail or sms

  • Access from anywhere

  • Monitor survey status


Creating a Survey

By using various question types in the application, you can easily create various surveys such as citizen satisfaction survey, public opinion survey, expectation survey for general or a specific group.

  • Choose a question type

  • Choose a survey type

  • Preview the survey

  • Set survey start and end dates

  • Create new polls using old polls

  • Add constraint that all questions must be completed



You can see the distribution of the answers given to the questions with various reporting options or you can use these reports to make statistical analyzes.

  • Filter surveys as active, completed, archived

  • Filter surveys by type (Multiple choice, multiple choice, rating)

  • Filter polls by start and end dates

  • Getting general report, analysis report, detailed report

  • Download the report

  • Seeing the percentage distribution of the answers given

  • Get analysis report for statistical analysis

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