Our High Level of Experience with We Produce Smart Solutions in the Light of Science and Technology.
'Technology for Human' Setting off with the theme of SmartICT Bilişim A.Ş. aspect for smart cities smart solutions, digitalization software solutions and we offer industry-specific solutions.
With our extensive knowledge and experience in the sector we established SmartICT Bilişim A.Ş. By developing suitable products, it offers its customers smart solutions that make life easier for the needs of the digital age.
SmartICT Bilişim, which produces innovative, high quality and high added value products, is one of the leading companies in Turkey. leading informatics aims to be one of the companies.
Mission and Vision
Our vision;
Always prioritizing customer and employee satisfaction, focused on research and development, is to become a leading technology company in its field, producing innovative solutions.
Our Mission;
Customer to provide products and services with the most up-to-date technology to meet their needs with high quality.
Our principles;
Keeping customer and employee satisfaction always at the forefront
To provide added value with minimum profit without sacrificing quality
Providing quality services
Our Values;
Having an experienced/unique team
Never lose the innovative spirit,
Using up-to-date technology,
Customer is to provide satisfaction.
Quality policy
SMARTICT Bilişim A.Ş. aspect Our top priority is to meet the needs and expectations of our customers with innovative solutions, with our certificates proving our understanding of quality and competence.
To this end;
By adopting and supporting quality policy at all levels,
By establishing the quality standards and procedures of each main unit,
By determining quality targets and keeping continuous improvement ahead,
By giving importance to employee satisfaction and rewarding employees according to targets,
By providing trainings at all levels and supporting the participation of the personnel in these trainings,
The motivation of the employees will be increased and a high quality standard will be achieved beyond customer expectations and high customer satisfaction will be achieved.
Information Security Policy
ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System is implemented in our institution and our Information Security Policies are as follows;
All kinds of information will be accessible with minimum interruption and the continuity of information technologies will be ensured.
The integrity of the information will be preserved in all cases.
The information produced and/or used will be defined by their degree of confidentiality, ensuring confidentiality and controlled access.
Risk management will be done and risks will be reduced to acceptable levels.
Information will be protected, regardless of the ways in which it is used.
Compliance with the current legislation will be ensured.
Trainings that will increase the information security awareness of the personnel will be held regularly.
Information security violations will be reported, detected and measures will be taken to prevent recurrence.
All Information Security Management System activities will be carried out in accordance with the principles determined with the supervision and support of senior management and unit responsibles.
Our information security policy is committed to continuous improvement.